Dr. and Drs.

Last week, my partner and I got married, and we both decided to take the same surname.

I will now be known as Antoine İşlegen-Wojdyla – edit your contact info!

Golden Gate Bridge (credit: Jake Ricker)

My partner was born in Turkey, so that makes my last name ever more difficult to spell – I promise there is no malice in this.

Over the last ten years, there’s been quite a change regarding name titles – Miss (and Melle in French) is an obvious remainder of a patriarchal society where a women’s marital status was anyone’s business. A clever workaround (before people started realizing how absurd this was) was for a woman to become a doctor – your title would be Dr. no matter what.

However, because my wife is a doctor like me, I wondered if it would make sense to use name title Dr. & Drs. İşlegen-Wojdyla to distinguish us (in French Dr et Dme, for Docteur et Docte Dame.)

La demonstration de l’astronome Turc


But then I asked my wife what she thought about the matter (that’s one advantage of being married), and she told me no, she is Dr. İşlegen-Wojdyla and nothing else.

She’s right, and she’s the woman I love.
