
Wikipedia is probably the best thing on Earth after sunsets, but it’s still far from perfect. Some articles are quite amazing, but oftentimes article about science topics or science personalities are nowhere near where they should be, and it seems that researchers should spend more time trying spread knowledge. Unfortunately, two things are in the way: the writers never get credit for it, and it’s bad optics in science to be the judge of notoriety for others.

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
– Harry S Truman

Recently I became aware of an effort to improve the representation of scientists on Wikipedia, which is the go-to place to look up someone and evaluate their authority – in a world when men seems to preternaturally commend more than women. Let’s fix this!

Here’s a few people for who I have started a page (I’ll keep this list updated as I go – yes, I do take credit, on a page no one will ever read in hopes this may inspire some wandering soul.)

  1. Sophie Carenco (French Chemist)
  2. James Mickens (Computer Scientist, very witty)
  3. Carolyn Larabell (Biologist, UCSF; director of BCSB)
  4. Felicie Albert (High Power Laser, Livermore)
  5. Linda Horton (head of DOE Basic Energy Science, Material Science)
  6. Hope Ishii (University of Hawaii)
  7. Tabbetha Dobbins (Light Sources for Africa, Americas, Asia and the Middle East)
  8. Yves Petroff (synchrotron pioneer)
  9. Athena Sefat (Physicist, ORNL)
  10. Susan Celniker (Biologist, LBNL)
  11. David Veesler (Biologist, UW)
  12. Regina Soufli (Physicist, LLNL)
  13. Hatice Altug (Physicist, EPFL)
  14. Boubacar Kante (Physicist, UC Berkeley)
  15. Fadji Maina (Hydrologist, LBNL)
  16. Harriet Kung (Physicist, DOE)
  17. Elaine diMasi (Physicist, LBNL)
  18. Hélène Perrin (Physicist, Paris-Nord)
  19. Susan Celniker (Biologist, LBNL)
  20. Sakura Pascarelli (Physicist, EuXFEL)
  21. Regina Soufli (Physicist, LLNL)
  22. Pascal Elleaume (physicist, ESRF)
  23. Na Ji (Physicist, UC Berkeley)
  24. Anne Sakdinawat (Physicist, SLAC)
  25. David Attwood (Physicist, UC Berkeley)
  26. Sasa Bajt (Physicist, BESSY)
  27. Henry Chapman (Physicist, BESSY)
  28. Nathalie Picqué (Physicist, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics)
  29. Anne-Laure Dalibard (Physicist, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions)
  30. Céline Guivarch (Climate scientist, CIRED)
  31. Irene Waldspurger (Mathematician, CEREMADE)
  32. Sandrine Leveque-Lefort (Physicist, CNRS)


  1. fr: Boubacar Kante
  2. fr: David Veesler
  3. fr: Fadji Maina
  4. fr: Ibrahim Cissé
  5. fr: Stéphane Bancel
  6. fr: Kizzmekia Corbett
  7. fr: Janelia Research Campus
  8. en: Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies

Scientific Topics:

People than need to be put on Wikipedia:
  • Daniela Ushizima – https://crd.lbl.gov/departments/data-science-and-technology/data-analytics-and-visualization/staff/daniela-ushizima/
  • Haimei Zheng – https://haimeizheng.lbl.gov/
  • Pascal Elleaume – synchroton radiation pioneer; https://www.esrf.eu/news/general/elleaume-obituary/index_html https://docplayer.fr/62415068-L-archicube-numero-special.html
  • Bianca Jackson https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1515-9650
  • Ashley White (AAAS Fellow, scientific communication)
  • Lady Idos (DEI Officer at Berkeley Lab)
  • Tara de Boer (CEO) –  BioAmp diagnostics
  • Chrysanthe Preza – Computational Imaging, University of Memphis https://umwa.memphis.edu/fcv/viewprofile.php?uuid=cpreza
  • Teresa Williams (TechWomen/AAAS fellow) – https://today.lbl.gov/teresa-williams-helps-to-inspire-a-culture-of-mentorship-and-networking-in-egypt/
  • Tokiwa Smith  – https://www.blackengineer.com/news/tokiwa-smith-changing-world/
  •  – https://sites.google.com/a/lbl.gov/women-at-the-lab/p/susan-celniker-ph-d
update August 2019
I went to a workshop organized by SPIE and led by the very Jess Wade; it was quite useful.
Here’s what I learned:
  • Do not paraphrase bios found on other website –– but you somehow can. Better than nothing!
  • You can use pictures from governmental sources for illustration, it’s always ok to use them (copyrights)
  • You can help with translating pages to other languages.

Also, if you wonder what other people will think of you for doing the right thing, remember: